Hosting guests at your home is fun and exciting but presents a unique set of challenges
To be a good host,
you are operating like a hotel of one...
“Having a small number of guests is the only way to generate good conversation. Besides, your whole house doesn’t get wrecked that way.”
-Paul Lynde
“I live in New York, so of course I don’t have a washer and dryer in my apartment. As a result I don’t get around to washing my sheets as often as I should. It’s a pain in the ass.”
50% of houseguests feel unsatisfied with their overnight stay
“We had to go out and by a hair dryer when my friend Alia visited. I never blow dry my hair so I just never thought about it.”
“So much of my parent’s visits are spent figuring out logistics. Where we’re going to eat dinner, how we’re going to there, how they ride public transit. It’s the part of the trip I dread most.”

David’s parents are
planning a surprise
trip to NYC for his
dad’s 60th birthday.
He looked at hotels but it was outrageous because of NYC Marathon...

David opens the innHome app and chooses the date of his parents’ stay. He orders a bedroom and local kit.
2 days before his parents’ arrival date innHome sends David a reminder message to confirm and assign a delivery driver.

This is Jason. He’s a delivery person for innHome assigned to David.
He messages with David to coordinate his kit drop-off.

On the day of his parent’s arrival, Jason delivers the kits David ordered right to his doorstep.

David’s mom forgot to bring her phone charger. David ordered a smart kit.
David’s parents arrived and pleased to see new beds awaiting them.
David’s parents can explore his neighborhood on their own with local kit.
David added his favorite places through the app so that David’s map includes his favorite place.

The day David’s parents leave, Jason returns to pick up all of the stuff and return it to the InnHome office for cleaning and re-use.